Save Money by Upgrading Your AC’s Air Filter’s
As the Atlantic article about the rising costs of necessities in America demonstrates, living in America is a lot more expensive than ever before. The amount of money necessary for food, college tuition/fees, child care, health care, and vehicle maintenance has increased in the last ten years, making life that much more costly.
With basic expenditures costing Americans so much, it’s necessary to save money where you can, and that’s why you should always upgrade your air conditioner’s air filter’s.
Running AC’s to combat rising temperatures is common practice in the United States. Important for those who suffer heat-induced asthma, air-conditioning systems prevent suffocating heat spells from disrupting sleep and daily activities. For those working from home, having an efficient, working air conditioner helps sustain productivity. For others, having an AC is about the comfort we all desire when we’re relaxing at home.
Even though AC’s are very convenient and create comfortable settings, they can also be costly, especially when not properly maintained. Air filters that are clogged and dirty block normal airflow and reduce a system’s efficiency, costing you more money. According to, replacing a dirty, jammed filter with a clean one can “lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% to 15%.” Regularly replacing or cleaning your air conditioner’s air filter/s improves energy efficiency and speeds up the cooling process, so you will be able to run your air conditioner for fewer hours a day, reducing your electric bill and AC maintenance costs in the process.
To keep both costs and temperatures low, clean or replace your system’s air filter’s every month or two during the warm months for optimum results and happier bank accounts.
Have a question? Call us at 978-521-1977 to speak to one of our experts, and be sure to check out our online shop if it’s time for you to replace your air filter’s!