How Air Filters Can Prevent Employee Absenteeism
When hiring employees, business owners attempt to seek trustworthy, hard-working, healthy, energetic, and reliable employees. An employee who is frequently absent is hardly an employee at all. The purpose of hiring extra help is to have extra help, not an empty space where an employee should be.
There are many reasons that cause absenteeism in the workspace. Sometimes, it’s a family-related event like a wedding or a funeral. Sometimes, it’s a dentist appointment or bad weather. Oftentimes, it’s health-related—an ongoing sickness, or flu, or cough, or cold. Many business owners and managers attempt to improve the health of their employees by offering free gym memberships or free access to equipment, healthy food options, and filtered water. While these attempts at office health-improvement are beneficial and worthwhile, the indoor air quality is one factor that bosses may not be focusing on when they should be!
Business News Daily contributor Steve Levine expresses the effects of poor air quality in the office; “The air inside a new or existing office building can literally make you and your employees ill. […] The average office building can be a breeding ground for mold, dust, odors, bacteria, and airborne viruses due to poor air filtration and ventilation systems.”
The problem of poor indoor air quality is not limited to employee health. The cost of losing employees to sick days is also financial. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health determined that preventable work absenteeism due to poor air quality cost a company $480 per employee per year because of lost productivity.
Maintaining a healthy work environment for your employees and yourself is a significant investment. By replacing old air filters and/or installing new indoor air quality products, you’re reducing microbial contaminants (like mold and mildew), gases (carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds), and the outgassing of carpets, upholstery, paints, and other harmful airborne particles that negatively impact your employees, your work environment, and your business account.
Keep your employees happy, healthy, and out of bed. Invest in your business with our quality air filters today!